La Belle Vie: City break

By Isobel Markham | 3/3/12 4:43pm




How does the Win­ter term man­age to be si­mul­ta­ne­ously painfully long and crip­plingly short?

Okay, so I know it's tech­ni­cally the short­est term, but it feels so long since I last had a hol­i­day or even a day off that I'm be­gin­ning to lose a grasp of what the phrase "lie-in" even means. My friend asked me on the phone the other day whether the term was "wind­ing down for the hol­i­days."

Oh, for the days when that meant play­ing hang­man on the black­board and watch­ing Dis­ney films be­cause your class teacher couldn't be both­ered to try to teach you any­thing new. In­stead, it means writ­ing 45 pages in 10 days, fol­lowed by exams. I re­ally, re­ally need a break, and I'm guess­ing that you guys do, too.

When spring break fi­nally does ar­rive, I'll prob­a­bly spend the first two days al­ter­nat­ing be­tween Canoe Club and my bed, but then I'm de­ter­mined to get the hell out of town for a few days. I'm think­ing ei­ther New York or Florida, so I'm men­tally prepar­ing my­self for both even­tu­al­i­ties.

When you're going on a mini-break, the last thing you want is to be haul­ing a great big suit­case around with you, so pack­ing re­quires some care­ful plan­ning. We've all heard the phrase "cap­sule wardrobe" — a mod­est set of cloth­ing that you can mix and match to cre­ate dif­fer­ent out­fits. The most cru­cial part of de­sign­ing your hol­i­day clothes like this is mak­ing sure that, as much as pos­si­ble, every­thing goes to­gether. As you can see, I've cho­sen a muted color palette for the city-break cap­sule wardrobe I've put to­gether here (in case I end up in New York).

A good pair of jeans is al­ways a great place to start. Skin­nies are good be­cause you can dress them up for evening with some heels, some jew­elry and per­haps a blazer. An­other ab­solute es­sen­tial is a pair of shoes or boots that you can com­fort­ably walk in all day. You don't want to have to bow out of that shop­ping trip/mu­seum visit/walk­ing tour be­cause your feet can't hack it.

You also don't want to have to cut your day's ac­tiv­i­ties short be­cause you're too cold. Don't be fooled by the sun stream­ing in through your win­dow in the morn­ing — there's still a def­i­nite nip in the air pretty much every­where but Florida (and I'll be deal­ing with that next week). Lay­ers are the best way to ad­dress this: A cozy cardi­gan, a pash­mina (a fine-knit cash­mere blend like thisonewill keep you warm with­out the bulk) and a medium-weight coat ought to do the trick. I've also in­cluded a felt fe­dora to keep my head nice and warm be­cause that's what I imag­ine peo­ple to be wear­ing in New York. You can tell I'm for­eign, can't you?

Since you're leav­ing Hanover, you should make the most of the fact that you can go to ac­tual bars (that stay open later than 1 a.m.) and maybe even night­clubs. What a novel idea. Pack a dress and some nice heels, prefer­ably ones that also go with your jeans, and per­haps a small clutch (though if you have a good hand­bag, this isn't re­ally nec­es­sary).

Don't for­get to also pack: tights (al­ways use­ful), sun­glasses, a cam­era, a bathing suit (you never know when you might have the op­por­tu­nity toblagyour way into the spa of the swanky hotel next door) and some bal­let pumps for wear­ing around your hotel room. If you've got all that, then you're pretty much set.

Whis­tles Sweater

Reiss Hat

ASOS Boots

Reiss Dress

ASOS Satchel

Top­shop Boots

Reiss Coat

Urban Out­fit­ters Top

Top­shop Jeans

Top­shop Cuff

Zara Top

Isobel Markham