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The Dartmouth
June 17, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Vann Island

I like everything. Literally everything. For perspective purposes, remember last fall when I detailed my huge man-crush on Russell Wilson? Take that affection, and just spread it out everywhere, and obviously send it to everyone.

More perspective: the other day I was walking through the library with campus all-star, Sugarplum founder and former Mirror editor Casey Aylward 13. I tried to turn her on to those Emergen-C pouches, you know the "300 percent Vitamin C" supplements. But she tried them out and concluded that they make her feel "physically ill." I was clearly extremely offended, and declared to her, and the rest of first floor Berry, that they change my day, every single day, for the better. To which she responded, "Corey, what don't you like?"

Long story short, I went to my 11 and wrote her a list of the things that I hate. It was very short, and mostly revolved around nature, hygiene, pessimism and negative outlooks on life. That said, I really hate that this is my last column of the term. Time really does fly when you are having fun.

I know Alpha Delta fraternity had fun on Sunday. It was very hard to contain my jealousy as I watched a systematical beat down of the infamous "Lob City" intermural basketball squad. And then to add insult to injury, they go out and win the intramural hockey championship later that night! C'mon man, leave some for the rest of us. And in case you were wondering I know you were this definitely would be on the list of things I hate.

So, I like music. A lot. You know how I said last week that I regret giving up on basketball? My regret regarding me ending my singing career might match the basketball one. And don't even get me started on tennis.

Anyway, I'm in New York for meetings. Out there trying to convince people in the sports world that Vann Island needs to become global. It's 2 p.m. and I'm about to change out of my Varvatos suit to get ready for the 4:30 p.m. coach. I get a call from my brother telling me that his buddy has a free ticket for me to go see Swedish House Mafia.

Obviously I cancel my coach ticket on the spot and start mentally preparing for the night. And I'm going to be honest, I like Swedish House Mafia, but I don't understand the craze. So I text pop guru and "Glee" celebrity, Clark Moore '13, to get his take. And this is what I get in reply:

"The thumping bass of their feel good pop anthems vibrate your core as you close your eyes and dance through the hard times and the moments you think you'll look back on with nostalgia," Moore said. "In essence, they are the perfect fling: [they] came, [they] raved, [they] loved,' and they were gone the next morning."

If that doesn't inspire you to have the night of your life, I don't know what will.

So I get to the concert and immediately feel what Moore is talking about. I'm having the time of my life but my phone dies I don't like this, put it on the list. And, fortunately, my friend had the hookup, and we were able to get backstage. I run backstage, steal a phone charger I see, charge my phone, take an epic picture and decide to Instagram it the next day.

It's a sick picture. I'm still trying to figure out how every single one of my followers didn't like it. It's been keeping me up at night, among other things. So how do you categorize who had it better, me or AD beating Lob City?

You can't. AD killed it. I kind of killed it. Swedish House Mafia for sure killed it. And most importantly, I'm positive that you killed it this weekend. This term has been the best nine weeks of my life. I've been taking chances, doing what I love and trying to make the most of this awesomely strange school. So strange, that I somehow became one of the judges for Dartmouth Idol. But don't you worry, I'm going to let you in on the secret.

I hope to see you Friday night at Idol, and I hope to see you guys every Tuesday this spring. One more term: just live it.