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The Dartmouth
September 1, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Halloween events aid community

Campus organizations have funneled Halloween spirit into events throughout the past week that incorporate both charitable fundraising and community outreach.

Kappa Kappa Kappa fraternity's annual haunted house and Dartmouth for UNICEF's Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF events focus on connecting the College with Upper Valley residents, while GlobeMed at Dartmouth's cupcake and pie delivery raised money to support victims of ethnic conflict in Thailand, according to organization representatives.

Tri-Kap's event, scheduled for Saturday afternoon, seeks to foster student and community interaction, Tri-Kap President Paul Wagdalt '13 said.

"We really cherish spending time with kids from the Upper Valley community, and they always have such a great time, which is so rewarding for us," he said.

In addition to the haunted house itself, activities will include face painting, pumpkin painting and bobbing for apples, Tri-Kap philanthropy chair Kyle Bojanowski '14 said.

The event is the product of joint efforts among the College's Greek community, Wagdalt said.

"There's always such a great turnout and so much support, especially from sororities," he said. "They help out with so much, ranging from setup and cleanup to manning the haunted house or their own activity stations."

Community events promote a positive image of fraternities and sororities, according to Bojanowski, who said that students outside the Greek system often forget about the philanthropic aspect of Greek life.

Charitable events that reach the community help expand student vision beyond the "Dartmouth bubble," according to Dartmouth for UNICEF president and founder Gustavo Ruiz Llopiz '14.

The organization's second annual Trick-or-Treat party took place on Oct. 19 in Occom Commons. While last year's event hosted children involved in DREAM and Big Brother Big Sister, Dartmouth for UNICEF broadened its scope this year to engage more of the Upper Valley community, resulting in over 200 attendees, Llopiz said.

"I think the Dartmouth bubble' is a myth," Llopiz said. "These events really demonstrate so many tiers of the ways Dartmouth students engage and are in touch with the community."

While Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF serves as an educational event rather than a fundraising effort, the group did receive donations from parents and College faculty in attendance. Upper Valley families, professors' children and DREAM and Big Brother Big Sister mentees also attended the event, according to DREAM Northwood region co-chair Katherine Gibson '15.

GlobeMed at Dartmouth held its second annual cupcake and pie delivery event Oct. 30-31, enabling students to purchase goods that were then delivered around campus by organization members, GlobeMed chapter founder Andrew Zureick '13 said.

"Since everyone's so busy, instead of having people come out during Halloween, we wanted a more creative take on how we could do something convenient and promote our cause at the same time," Zureick said.

The sale's funds benefit the Kachin Women's Association Thailand, a nonprofit organization that provides humanitarian support to women in the Kachin region of Burma.

GlobeMed hopes to raise $9,500 by the start of the 2013-2014 academic year, which would help build a pathology laboratory for victims of ethnic conflict in Burma, a nation ravaged by civil war, Zureick said.

"We're basically the sole funder of [KWAT's] project," he said. "We really want to make sure that people are aware of the cause that their money is supporting."