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The Dartmouth
June 15, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Now Playing in Hanover: Undefeated

"Undefeated," an Oscar-winning documentary directed by Daniel Lindsay and T.J. Martin, follows the journey of the Manassas Tiger of Memphis, Tenn., an underprivileged football team. Led by coach Bill Courtney nicknamed "Big Daddy Snowflake" the Tigers strive to reverse their reputation and shoot for a winning season. Along the way, deeper personal problems faced by members of the team cause additional hardships that threaten the Tigers' chance to win big. Kate Sullivan

Directed by: Lindsay, MartinWith: Courtney, O.C. Brown, Montrail Brown113 minRated PG-13

A captivating film, "Undefeated" does not following the old tried and true cliches of other sports movies. What you see on screen are real people suffering from real problems, which in itself is an achievement. The film drags itself down, however, by focusing far too much on the personal lives of its subjects to the point where it takes away from the football. Varun Buchar

Being a fan of both football and documentaries, "Undefeated" had me gripped from the opening credits. I was expecting a "Friday Night Lights"-esque tale, and the film did not disappoint. "Undefeated" had me caring for the coach, his players and everyone involved with the Manassas football season in a way I wasn't fully prepared for. This emotional movie is a must-watch for any film lover with or without any prior knowledge of football. Julian Danziger

"Undefeated" plays to the American obsession with football. It is a very familiar inner-city story told in a very familiar sports-movie kind of way. In this film, as in real life, football is king and academics are a byproduct of football. The documentary drags on for too long as the team plays school after school and as the coach shouts the same inspirational words over and over again at his team. Gavin Huang