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The Dartmouth
September 1, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Police Blotter

Nov. 17, 12:12 a.m., Webster Avenue

Hanover Police was called to Chi Gamma Epsilon Fraternity after Safety and Security observed an under-aged male drinking something out of a silver flask. The 19-year-old, a student at Princeton, told police that the liquid in the flask was Jack Daniels. However, he refused to take a breathalizer test. According to the student, he was at Dartmouth because he was with the Princeton pep band. He was arrested.

Nov. 17, 2:16 a.m., Fayerweather Hill Road

On a walkthrough of South Fayerweather Hall, Safety and Security found a sophomore girl lying on the floor, unresponsive. By the time Hanover Police arrived, she had pulled herself up and was resting against the wall for support. She told officers that she had been drinking at a sorority that night, although she did not say how much she had had to drink or what she had been drinking. When the ambulance arrived to take the student to Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, the student became argumentative and refused to get into the vehicle. When emergency personnel gave her the option of getting into the ambulance or going to Grafton County Jail for the night, the student changed her mind. Once she arrived at the emergency room, she again refused to get out and had to be told her options again to persuade her to leave the ambulance and enter the hospital.

Nov. 17, 8:50 p.m., Summer Court

Hanover Police took an intoxicated minor into protective custody at Saturday's hockey game. The minor, a 15-year-old girl, had called a friend to take her home from the game. Worried about the amount of alcohol that she had consumed, the friend found a police officer in the parking lot and turned her over to their care. They took her to DHMC for treatment.

Nov. 18, 12:24 a.m., Choate Road

Hanover Police was called to the Choates to assist Safety and Security with an intoxicated female. The female, a Dartmouth freshman, entered a male friend's room, proceeded to take off most of her clothing, and climbed into the bed of her friend's roommate. When the friend came back, he dressed the woman in one of his large t-shirts to cover her up and attempted to rouse her. When he could not wake her, he became concerned and called Safety and Security. Safety and Security also was unable to wake her and called Hanover Police and emergency personnel. The woman awoke as soon as she was placed on the ambulance cot. When questioned by police, she said that she had only had two drinks, denied taking off her clothing, pointing to the large shirt she was wearing as evidence. When shown the clothing that had been given to police by her friend, she became confused, and was unable to explain how they came to be removed from her body. She later was found to have a BAC of 0.17.

Nov. 18, 1:05 a.m., Allen Street

Hanover Police on patrol observed an adult male walking on the sidewalk towards South Main Street with difficulty. Police made contact with the man after he attempted to make a cell phone call, dropped his phone, and had trouble picking it up. He was also seen bouncing off of the walls of buildings and walking into a parking meter. The 24-year-old male admitted to having consumed eight beers in the course of the night. With the help of police, he found a sober friend, who took him home.

Nov. 18, 2:02 a.m., South Main Street

Hanover Police observed a large group of students walking down South Main Street "fooling around." One member of the group, a Yale Freshman, ran at a parked car and slid across the hood "as if he was one of the Dukes of Hazzard." The student made it all the way across the hood and then fell off of the car on the other side. When the officer approached to make contact with the student, he ignored the officer, and only stopped after the officer raised his voice and ordered him to stop. When questioned by the officer, the student told him that he "was trying to get his bag out of his car so that he could make himself right." The student was arrested.

Nov. 21, 1:26 p.m., Allen Street

Hanover Police was called to Stinson's Village Store to check a suspicious Maine driver's license that was being used to buy beer. The license, with a date of birth of 1986, failed to show up in the police database. When the officer ran the defendant's name again, the system was blank. When confronted with this discrepancy, the ID's owner, an 18-year old Tufts student, admitted that the ID was a fake. He was arrested for misrepresenting his age and given a court date of Jan. 8.