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The Dartmouth
July 26, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Inside this issue ...

Forget New Years Resolutions. If you really want to change the world, why not now? If you want to become more artsy, why not now? If you want to [insert something you want to do], why not now? I wish I could live up to my own preaching. It would be stupid for me to wait until 2007 rolls around to do the things I want to do this year, but I'll wait (I'll admit, I've already failed on my New Year Resolutions for 2006) and by 2007 I'll be fatter and have fewer friends. Here is one New Year's Resolution that I am going to try and keep: don't screw up too badly as editor of this fine insert. It is more for your sake than mine.

If you are upholding your New Years promises to yourself, keep up the good work! You've almost made it through week one. That leaves a mere, (I won't do the math, I wouldn't want to discourage you) weeks before we welcome 2007. You can do it. Happy New Year!