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The Dartmouth
June 16, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Nice Try

To the Editor:

There are a lot of alumni, young and old, who are still extremely disappointed in the administration's handling of the library system and the swim team, and Mr. Scherr's spin doctoring will not cover up those failures. If I may, I would like to juxtapose some quotes from Barry Scherr's article, "The Administration Strikes Back," (The Dartmouth, April 5):

"The endowment has grown from $1.5 billion in 1999 to $2.4 billion today."

"We have increased support to student programs including athletics."

But the administration somehow, amidst all these supposedly wonderful financial decisions, cannot find enough money to support the swim teams.

My question is whether the "increased support" for athletics includes the money that was donated by alumni in order to save the swim program.