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August 31, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Class Council candidates prepare for Monday's vote

The Class Council presidential candidates for the Class of 2000 and Class of 2002 each gave six-minute speeches to a modest crowd at the Collis Commonground Monday night in their one opportunity to reinforce the statements published in the "Election Update" newsletter which was released last week.

Voting for both Class Council elections will take place early next week.

Three candidates are vying for the position of Class of 2000 Council president. First to speak for his class on Monday night was Eric Buchman '00 who is running with vice-presidential hopeful Zoe McLaren '00.

Buchman, the current 2000 Class Council president, tried to explain the purpose and goals of Class Council in general. He continued by noting the activities his council has organized, including a well-attended arts festival at the Hop.

He said he hopes to increase student voice, especially in regard to such issues as commencement speakers. He also noted that one residence on Webster Avenue is not used enough by students -- President Wright's house.

"I hope that our senior year will continue to set the standards for which others will have to strive to match," Buchman said in his published platform.

Rob Courtney '00, a member of Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity, began his speech with an anecdote about Homecoming his freshman year, and went on to say how distant senior year seemed then, and how close it is for him now.

This led him to wonder about the feelings he and his classmates would have upon leaving the College, he said. Toward the end of his speech and also in his "Election Update" statement, he spoke of the Trustees' initiative to overhaul the Greek system.

"I don't blame the administration but in some ways they're responsible," Courtney said. If the students are united, "there is nothing we can't achieve," he said.

The final class council presidential candidate, Bill Finnegan '00, was not present at Speech Night. Instead, Ilya Magazanin '00, Finnegan's vice-presidential running mate, spoke briefly on his behalf. He cited Finnegan's and his own involvement in WDCR and Dartmouth Television. The two are a "well-motivated, well-organized team," Magazanin said.

Finnegan noted that he has "vast experience with diverse activities on this campus" and that he hopes to "present to the council and specifically give [his] support to the programming initiated by or developed for the benefit of members of our graduating year," in his published platform.

Four members of the class of 2002 will be on the ballot for president of the Class Council. Matt Burke '02, spoke first, beginning by outlining his involvement with the Class of 2002 Council over the past year as Co-Chair of Activities.

He noted that attendance at Council meetings has dropped since the Fall term and also said the Council could do more advertising, even suggesting the possibility of sky-writing.

"It is my goal to revive the 'presence' of the Council through enthusiasm and participation," Burke said in his published platform.

Melissa McClinton '02, the only female candidate, spoke next of her experience with various organizations during high school and her involvement with groups such as the "Ntozake Shange: Work in Progress" dramatic piece performed earlier this year in the Hopkins Center.

McClinton stressed the importance of better information sessions for the Class of 2002 on things such as the D-Plan and housing. She suggested a morning shuttle to the River cluster to bring students to the center of campus for classes.

Conner McGee '02 lightened the mood of the evening by confirming that he is "the guy in the Cords who does nothing but sing the bass notes" and that he has "the deepest voice on campus."

He continued by quoting Josh Warren's '02 "Election Update" claim that some candidates are running for "bragging rights." He said he was not one of these candidates but simply one who has viewed the activities the Class of 2002 has planned in the past with "an unbiased eye."

McGee's published platform did not state any concrete goals or activities but focused on problems with this year's Class Council that he hopes to change.

Josh Warren '02, the current Council president, sat on the edge of the stage and indirectly refuted McGee's statement that the current Council did not perform well by listing many of the activities and projects on which his Council has worked, including the 'Shmen Guide, charity golf, dances, and class ski trips.

He has had dinner with "kids in Food Court" and answered numerous blitzes with questions that followed the Trustees announcement of the Five Principles, he said.

Warren finished by saying that he is "so pumped for next year."