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The Dartmouth
June 16, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Clinton's Libido

Let's look at some facts about President Clinton while he has held public office. Most people will remember Gennifer Flowers from Clinton's '92 campaign and her allegations of sexual misbehavior and conduct. Then there is Paula Jones who alleges that Clinton dropped his pants and asked her to perform a certain sexual act.

Now we have Monica Lewinsky saying that she has had a sexual relationship with Clinton while she was a White House intern. Of course there are other scandals, like Whitewater, but I won't go into them. If one bothered to look at Clinton's family history, his father was a very busy adulterer. God knows where the next brother or sister of President Clinton will appear.

I believe that behind the lie, there is some truth. Okay, let's just say Newt Gingrich paid Paula Jones to say bad things about him. If it were just one woman, I could maybe get away with thinking that the woman is a gold digger, and the allegation is untrue. But three women saying the same thing?! And who knows how many scandals involving women Clinton's aides and supporters managed to suppress over the years.

I will not ramble about how some family traits are hereditary and how some character traits might be determined by certain genes. Clinton's father was unfaithful and unscrupulous, at least involving marriage. I am inclined to think that President Clinton is a chip off the old block.

Of course you can't really say Clinton is a no-good adulterer who deserves to be impeached. I will not sound like The Dartmouth Review. I know that Clinton grew up in a poor environment, but managed to achieve his American dream. Here is a guy who was born poor and without a father figure, but he managed to do okay. A lot of good things have happened while he was in office. We almost have a balanced budget, inflation is low, our economy is strong and America is back on top. Of course it is arguable that Clinton had anything to do with it, but let's just give him a bit of credit now.

When I heard of the impeachment rumors, I almost flipped. I don't think any president, no matter who, should be impeached and convicted. I hope that the president would have enough common sense to resign if he knew that conviction of his impeachment is certain. Imagine the damage it could do to the executive branch. If a president were found guilty of some serious crime, future presidents would be far less powerful, knowing that the legislative branch can effectively dominate and over-ride the president. Nixon deserved to be removed from the office, but he did the right thing in the end for America and the government. He resigned before that could happen. President Andrew Johnson was impeached for basically being politically stupid, but he was acquitted by the Senate.

I don't think President Clinton should be worried. I think Americans have enough common sense to see that his supposed crimes are not serious enough to get him impeached. The Constitution, in Article 2, Section 4, specifically states that unless the president is found guilty of "treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors," he can't be impeached and convicted. I don't think sexual harassment or adultery can be seen as treason (maybe against Hillary?) or bribery. I am not sure about his alleged actions in the Paula Jones case. It can be considered a misdemeanor or worse. Then you would have to argue about whether a president's actions before he took office are a case for impeachment.

I don't belong to any political party, just in case you're wondering. Clinton is not the best president or the worst. If the current economy is any indication, he's doing a fine job. If the current scandals are any indication and if they are found true, Clinton is a perverted adulterer. In the future, I hope we can elect a president who we can look up to for his character and his ability. Here is my advice to Clinton: keep your pants on.