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The Dartmouth
August 31, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Students to hold Prop. 209 'speak out'

The Dartmouth Coalition for Equal Access and Opportunity will host a "speak out" tomorrow to protest the passage of Proposition 209 in California.

The coalition, a student organization conceived last Thursday night in response to the passage of Proposition 209, is encouraging students to gather in front of Collis Center at 11:30 a.m. to show their support for affirmative action.

Proposition 209, the California Civil Rights Initiative, which was passed into law on Nov. 5, effectively ends all affirmative action policy within state institutions, including civil service and government employment and student admissions to the University of California.

Miranda Johnson '97, an organizer of the coalition, said "we wish to raise awareness about the passage of Proposition 209 and its repercussions. We want to give people an opportunity to express outrage at the implications."

The dual purpose of the demonstration is to voice disapproval of Proposition 209 and encourage the continuation of the College's existing affirmative action policy, said Unai Montes-Irueste '98, a member of the coalition.

The event consists of two parts: a unified demonstration at 11:30 a.m., followed by an open microphone session at noon, at which a panel of College administrators, faculty and students will speak

Montes-Irueste, who participated in a debate last night about Proposition 209 in a meeting sponsored by the Conservative Union at Dartmouth, said the coalition will also be "encouraging those not completely convinced on the issue to voice their opinions and doubts."

Johnson said coalition members and other participants will circulate around all the academic buildings at 11:30 a.m. to encourage people to come to the event.

She said she is also trying to arrange for a car equipped with public address system to cruise around campus announcing the event.

Candace Crawford '98, a member of the coalition, said the group is not calling the event a "walkout."

"We're calling it an interruption of daily life," Crawford said. "We want people to come out of dorms, to come out of classes. We don't want people eating in the Hop. We want people to come out to show their support."

"This is not anti-administration or anti-Dartmouth. This is a celebration of diversity and a rededication and a recommitment to those principals," Crawford said. "We know that the College has continually and aggressively stated that they are committed to diversity and a diverse student body."

Members of the coalition and other students have been wearing red ribbons on their forearms since Friday to show support for affirmative action and diversity as well as their solidarity with students at University of California campuses.