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The Dartmouth
June 8, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Students arraigned on drug charges

Two Dartmouth students were arraigned in Hanover District Court yesterday for misdemeanors involving possession of marijuana.

Judge Joseph Daschbach presided over the arraignments.

Franklin Arias '98 entered a plea of guilty to a charge of possessing marijuana.

According to Captain Chris O'Connor of the Hanover Police Department, Dartmouth Safety and Security responded to a complaint in Little residence hall on April 19.

O'Connor said Safety and Security Officers "came in contact with what they believed was marijuana," and called the Hanover Police.

O'Connor said Arias admitted the marijuana was his.

Mark Simons '96 also entered a guilty plea to a marijuana possession charge.

O'Connor said on April 24, Simons' "vehicle was stopped for defective equipment."

He said although Simons was not driving, marijuana was found in the car, so he was charged since the car belonged to him.

Possession of marijuana is a Class B misdemeanor punishable by fines up to $1,200, O'Connor said.

Since it was the first offense for both Arias and Simons, Daschbach said, they will have to pay fines of $300 each with a $60 penalty assessment.

Josh Winterhalt '97 was originally scheduled to appear in court yesterday after pleading not guilty to a charge of possession of marijuana at an April 24 arraignment, but his arraignment will be held at a later date.

Winterhalt was arrested April 2, after tests revealed an exhibit seized from his room in Bones Gate fraternity during Winter Carnival weekend was marijuana.