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The Dartmouth
June 17, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Clark's comedic skits bring down the house

Comedian Anthony Clark took the stage before an energetic crowd of more than 300 spectators in Collis Common Ground on Saturday night.

Clark, the star of NBC television's Thursday night sitcom "Boston Common," pleased his fans with a wacky, entertaining stand-up routine.

Clad in a Nike hat, leather jacket and khakis, Clark drew on his characteristic Southern accent and charm to set the stage for his performance.

A good portion of the act centered on Clark's family life as he poked fun at his home state of Virginia.

"If you ever find out that you have a year to live, go to Virginia, where every day seems like an ... eternity," he said.

Despite using mostly prepared material, Clark's show was fresh and original.

He spoke of life's ironies -- stopping at a tollbooth to ask for Tollhouse cookies and attempting to feed hamburger to a cow.

Like most standup routines, Clark used a roundabout style to bring bits in a circle for the audience. He often went back to jokes previously introduced in his act for more laughs.

After some improvisational spots, Clark poked fun at himself for laughing at his own newly-created material.

One would guess that the comedian was trying out new comedic material for more high-profile appearances. One possible venue for this is Clark's scheduled appearance on the Late Show with David Letterman tomorrow.

Due to the trial material, the crowd seemed to miss a few references. While not all of Clark's jokes worked, most did.

The comedian was at his best when pulling off physical comedy, with references to the Exorcist, flight attendants, the Clapper and suburban boredom.

Manchester native Chuck Roy opened the show for Clark.

Drawing off the crowd for support, Roy used mainly jokes about obesity and geographic references to elicit laughs.

Roy successfully warmed the audience for Clark's appearance.

Ultimately, Clark's dynamism, along with a receptive crowd, made this weekend's show a successful and enjoyable one to watch.

The Programming Board scored a hit with Clark, booking him at just the right time. As his star rises further, he may soon be an even tougher act to get.