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The Dartmouth
July 27, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Carnival theme chosen

The Winter Carnival Council recently selected " 'Round the Girdled Earth They Roamed: A Prehistoric Carnival" as the theme for this year's annual Winter Carnival.

The council, made up of about 40 students and advised by Coordinator of Student Programs Linda Kennedy, has been meeting to decide this year's Carnival theme since Summer term.

The theme was chosen by the council this summer.

"Ultimately it was the decision of Amy Henry '97 and myself," said Timothy Chow, the senior co-chair of the council.

Henry is the council's junior co-chair.

Chow said many themes were tossed around, but the council liked the prehistoric idea.

"We found a way to incorporate this theme by using a line from the Alma Mater," Chow said.

The line from the Alma Mater states: "Though 'round the girdled earth they roam, / Her spell on them remains."

"The council selected this year's theme early in order to advertise the event, especially to freshmen," Chow said.

With the selection of this year's Carnival theme, the council also announced its annual t-shirt and poster design contest.

The deadline for the contest is Jan. 3. Students interested in entering should check the Winter Carnival bulletin on BlitzMail, the College's electronic-mail system, for details.

Once all the entries for the contest are in, the council will decide on the winning entry so posters and t-shirts can be printed in time for the opening of Carnival on Feb. 8.

Sara Paisner '96 will be in charge of creating this year's sculpture.

The theme for last year's Carnival was "Call of the Wild," and the sculpture was of a wolf perched on a rock howling at the moon.

Last year, construction of the sculpture was hampered by a severe lack of snow. The council had to import a few truckloads of zamboni shavings to supply the ice for the sculpture.