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The Dartmouth
June 3, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

D.O.C. picks new leaders

The Dartmouth Outing Club last night elected Pam Brockmeier '95 as president and Sara Greenberg '97 as vice president.

Brockmeier, who was chosen from three presidential candidates, said she hopes to encourage better communication between the group's various smaller clubs.

"I'd also definitely like to see more openness" within the entire organization, Brockmeier said.

As president, Brockmeier said she will serve as the link between the different clubs and take care of administrative duties. Also, Brockmeier said she and Greenberg will be responsible for weekend events, including alumni hikes and freshman parent hikes.

Brockmeier said she will serve as president during the Spring, Fall and Winter terms.

Greenberg, who transferred to Dartmouth from Bryn Mawr College last term, said she is very excited to become vice president in the spring.

As vice president, Greenberg said she hopes to find a way of maintaining the level of enthusiasm of freshman trips through a student's time at Dartmouth. Also, she said she hopes to open up the Outing Club, to ensure it is not seen as a "clique organization."

Greenberg, who will serve four consecutive terms as vice president, said the wilderness provides excellent opportunities for student leadership.

"I think the outdoors is a great place to teach people to be leaders because there are a lot of risks out there," she said. "But once you're out there, there is no choice but to be a leader."

Amy Barnhorst '95 is currently the Outing Club's president and Todd Parment '95 is vice president.