DDS Detective: Panini smores

By Priya Krishna, The Dartmouth Senior Staff | 2/28/12 3:21pm



I love camp­ing for one sin­gu­lar and ex­tremely pre­dictable rea­son: camp food. Noth­ing makes me feel bet­ter about my nasty hik­ing stench and itchy in­sect bites than sit­ting around a camp­fire and eat­ing some de­li­cious grub. Es­pe­cially when that grub in­volves gra­ham crack­ers, choco­late and marsh­mal­lows — in other words, s’mores. While ’53 Com­mons may not quite have that “camp­fire charm,” this s’mores panini is ab­solutely de­li­cious. Enjoy!

  1. Grab two pieces of any kind of bread.
  2. Spread hot fudge sauce from the ice cream sta­tion.
  3. Top the sauce with marsh­mal­lows (also from the ice cream sta­tion).
  4. Put in the Panini press for about a minute.

Priya Krishna, The Dartmouth Senior Staff