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The Dartmouth
June 7, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Freedman will not take part in search process

College President James Freedman will not participate in the search for his successor, although the Board of Trustees will keep him updated on the status of the process, he said yesterday.

"It is appropriate for a president not to participate,'' Freedman said. "I've had my full opportunity to make my mark on the institution, and I think now it is the Board's opportunity to choose a new person."

College and university presidents typically distance themselves from a search process after announcing they will step down. In addition to encouraging a free and open search, the practice prevents conflicts of interest and bad feelings in the closely knit national network of professional administrators.

"Typically, the president will know several of the people the Board is considering," Freedman said. "No president wants to get caught between good friends."

The Trustees are likely to announce Freedman's successor during Spring term.