Stuff Dartmouth Kids Like: Meme-ing and Dartmouthness

By Leslie Ye, The Dartmouth Staff | 2/13/12 1:43pm


First things first — the re­sults of the frat dog sur­vey are in! Sam­son (SAE) won with 49 per­cent of the vote, with Buddy and Wat­son (Phi Delt) com­ing in sec­ond (34.7 per­cent) and third (30.6 per­cent), re­spec­tively.



Now, I would like to make two dis­claimers. First, I re­al­ized that I don’t re­ally know what a meme is. I get that it’s some kind of in­ter­net joke, but after writ­ing this ar­ti­cle, I Googled “memes” and none of the stuff that came up was any­thing like what I had writ­ten. Sec­ond, in the spirit of flat­tery by im­i­ta­tion, I would like to give credit for this week’s title to Mir­ror colum­nist Kip Doo­ley '12, even though I didn’t ask him for per­mis­sion to adapt his col­umn’s title to my own pur­poses. Meta, right?

Sh#t Dart­mouth kids say

On food:- I’ve been on the pasta line for like, an HOUR. - Where did Home­plate go? - What is up with these nuggets? - We need to go to FoCo, I have to get rid of these meal swipes. - I’m re­ally try­ing to get in shape this term. What­ever, let’s go to the Hop. - Wait, call EBAs NOW so it’ll get here when we get home.

On char­ac­ter:- What house is he in? - Is he on a team? - Did he get tapped? - Yeah, I went to Ex­eter. - Yeah, I’m from New York City.

On drink­ing:- I still have next, right? - Dude, we party SO much harder than, like, Har­vard. - I can out­drink all my friends from home. - They’re to­tally going to win M@​sters.​ - You’ve never peed your bed? Weird.

On aca­d­e­mics:- I am so not mak­ing it to my 10A. - Wait, we had an x-hour? - Green­print’s bro­ken again?? - Does any­one know any easy thirds? I still need my CI.

On every­thing else:- OMG he blitzed me back! How long should I wait be­fore I re­spond?? - Where did you get that one­sie? I’ve been look­ing for one. - Okay, I need vam­pire fangs, ear­muffs, neon span­dex, a con­struc­tion vest and leg warm­ers for tails tonight. Any­one have any of that?

The Plank­ing Seven (is this even still a thing?)

  1. Be the me­dian of a pong table.
  2. On top of the snow sculp­ture.
  3. AD’s roof.
  4. The mid­dle of the cross­walk.
  5. The new FoCo sand­wich bar. No one will no­tice.
  6. The bar. Any frat.
  7. On top of an S&S car. Extra points if you can con­vince HPo.

Asians Sleep­ing In The Li­brary

This one re­ally speaks forit­self.

Leslie Ye, The Dartmouth Staff