Free Jewel and dance entertain at South Asian culture night

By Katherine Armstrong | 5/27/11 6:45pm



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Kather­ine Arm­strong

Way ta go Dart­mouth! Hoo-raa! Maybe a lit­tle heavy on the oomph, but the per­form­ers last night had a sim­i­lar level of pizaz. Taal might’ve suf­fered from a lam­en­ta­ble lack of mi­cro­phone am­pli­fi­ca­tion, but their earnest­ness filled in the in­audi­ble gaps. I watched hot­ties in saris whip their hair back and forth and im­me­di­ately thought, "Since Hip Hop Booty and Abs has been can­celled in­def­i­nitely, can you guys PUH­HH­LEASE start a PE class?"

My eyes were then treated to a mes­mer­iz­ing glit­tery show of girls in Christ­mas col­ored frocks sass­ily bang­ing some sticks to­gether and singing a pop­u­lar In­dian song.

The in­stant that the per­for­mances were over, afore­men­tioned im­pa­tient chica tried to mow me over in at­tempt to get some rice (re­ally? Re­ally???). How­ever, I man­aged to nap a dab of rice and chick­peas be­fore squeez­ing my way out of the mon­soon-level hu­mid­ity of Com­mon Ground and out into the mar­gin­ally less hot Hanover weather. Dear­est Bol­ly­wood lovers, I can’t wait for your per­for­mance again next year, but maybe next time have the food some­where else so I can avoid rude food grub­bers and ac­tu­ally enjoy your per­for­mances.


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Katherine Armstrong