County executive committee asks Sievers '10 to resign

By The Dartmouth Staff | 4/22/10 4:25pm

Jennifer Argote / The Dartmouth Senior Staff

Grafton County of­fi­cials have asked county trea­surer Vanessa Siev­ers '10 to re­sign her post, al­leg­ing that Siev­ers has not com­mu­ni­cated with other ad­min­is­tra­tors and has not at­tended meet­ings, the As­so­ci­ated Press re­ported.

Siev­ers re­port­edly dis­puted the charge in an in­ter­view with The Cale­don­ian-Record, stat­ing that she had only missed one meet­ing of which she was in­formed.

Siev­ers, who was elected to the post in 2008, will be up for re-elec­tion this No­vem­ber at the end of her two-year term.

The Dartmouth Staff